【情報】3/7 半夜歌串一人一首
Carol of the Bells | The Tabernacle Choir - YouTube
ape011113 (史萊姆):
[TH/ENG/JP SUB] Itou Kanako - Hisenkei Jeniakku (Steins;Gate PS3 VN OP) - YouTube
Jocelyn 9.4.0 -【無所謂】Official Video - YouTube
How to Play Piano Remotely 2 | Vinheteiro - YouTube
Rayleigh Scattering - YouTube
Need for Speed Tribute - Nine Thou (Grant Mohrman Superstars Remix) by Styles of Beyond - YouTube
Toshiki Kadomatsu- ...And Then - YouTube
I Saw You Yesterday - Wander (Official Music Video) - YouTube
Jack Harlow - Nail Tech [Official Video] - YouTube
蕭賀碩~雨不停歇mv完整版 - YouTube
羽泉 Yu Quan【最美】Official Music Video - YouTube
黎沸揮 亂飛 耳邊風 (Official Audio) - YouTube
Wintersun - Winter Madness | Live @ Summer Breeze 2017 - YouTube
王傑 Dave Wang – 安妮 Annie (官方完整版MV) - YouTube
ピノキオピー - 腐れ外道とチョコレゐト feat. 初音ミク / Kusare-gedou and Chocolate - YouTube
Leper Messiah - YouTube
[Trance] Pyromax - Revelation - YouTube
名取さな - PINK,ALL,PINK!【オリジナルソング】 - YouTube
13Lefty&桃子A1J-《拖延症候群》 - YouTube
鈴木雅之 『怪物』Music Video - YouTube
MY FIRST STORY - 廻廻奇譚(cover) (Audio) - YouTube
Ariana Grande - 7 rings [Cover by YELO] - YouTube
下次的相逢在什麼時候 cover - YouTube
Zeal & Ardor - Hold Your Head Low - YouTube
Zeal & Ardor - J-M-B - YouTube
Zeal & Ardor - A-H-I-L - YouTube
Flight of Valor By James Swearingen - YouTube
ape011113 (史萊姆):
找到有現場演奏版的。懷念高中管樂打擊的生活,雖然我們鼓部每次在後面都好忙XD https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aAPMUkPNIOk
ape011113 (史萊姆):
Alan Walker & Torine - Hello World (Official Music Video) - YouTube
並木 学- ]-[|/34c#! (Hibachi) - YouTube
Flashdance - Maniac Full HD - YouTube
A Long Legend Story - YouTube
PS2/PC/PSP 太閤立志傳V/太閤立志伝V/Taikou Risshiden V 原聲集 OST/ 背景音樂 BGM 【作業用BGM,勉強用BGM】 - YouTube
愛上你算我賤 (Acoustic Version) - YouTube
Anna Takeuchi - Striking gold (Lyric Video) - YouTube
AViVA - Psycho - YouTube
Steve Aoki & Yellow Claw - End Like This ft. RUNN (Arknights Soundtrack) [Full Ver.] - YouTube
Bossfight - Warp [Monstercat Release] - YouTube
あたらよ - 交差点(Music Video) - YouTube
psp0938 (21歲的老爸爸):
[a7752876:跟羊吵架] https://truth.bahamut.com.tw/s01/202203/a2c62d2bc82e80f0d9c65f12bad72ce1.JPG
【Sakuzyo - 削除】「Cyberozar」 - YouTube
AySel & Arash - Always (Azerbaijan) - YouTube
gh209333 (你真TM噁心):
[a7752876:跟羊吵架] https://open.spotify.com/track/1kWx9bzXhVKOc63PnPsI12?si=0-xhDVROTPyvjPtVIDtLrA&utm_source=copy-link 這個看看
Sigrid - Strangers (Official Video) - YouTube
The Beginning - YouTube
Skold - Dead God - YouTube
Maroon 5 - Misery (CupcakKe Remix) - YouTube
The end of the page.